In school we are taught our ABC’s, the 123’s and even the Do, Re, Mi’s. In time the combination of these simple and basic symbols became the fundamental core of our ability to read and write, add and subtract and sing and play. It’s the same with business. You start at the beginning, learn the necessary skills and business processes, and then use these simple techniques as they form the foundation of your business success.
The ABC's of Customer Service Overview
Answer these 3 questions. (Be Honest)
- “Do you know how your customers feel about the services you provide?”
- “Do you always solve your customer’s problems?”
- “Are you doing everything you can to make every customer happy?”
If your answer is "no" or "sure" or "mostly" you need to keep reading.
Do you know:
- How you serve your customer? (Do you have an action plan?)
- Why people do business with you? (What makes you special)
- If you would do business with you? (Tough one !)
It is stressful enough just owning your own business. Paying the bills, creating advertising campaigns, managing employees are just a few of the multitudes of daily management chores that face you everyday. But we haven't even mentioned the customers. Let's face it without paying customers you do not have a business. The ABC's of Customer Service training will teach you:
- How to prepare an analysis of the service environment that your company portrays.
- How to prepare your business and yourself to serve.
- Why you must commit to always provide world class service.
- How to get new customers and turn them into a Walking Referral for your business.
- The best ways to keep your customers happy. (Happy customers spend more)
You will also learn:
- The three questions that have to be answered before you can begin to provide World Class customer service.
- The four levels of customer service that you can provide to your customers. (Not all are good)
- Which simple skill is the hardest to do, yet is a THE most important skill when providing World Class service.
- How to easily turn an irate customer into a Raving Fan. (Raving Fans spend more)
- The most important question you can ask your customer.
- Why the customers is not always right.
The ABC's of Customer Service training is effective for all types of product and service driven businesses. Instructors are business owners and professional trainers who have "been-there-done-that" in business community. They use real-world case studies, real examples and proven strategies that allows the participants to relate to and use what they are learning. All of our training can be delivered in half-day or full-day sessions. We will work with you to customize the training for your business needs. The information presented here is only an introduction to what The ABC's of Customer Service will bring to your business. Complete the contact from below for further information on this or any of our training programs, or to schedule a complimentary analysis of your training needs.
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